An Act Of Kindness
Matthew 5:16
King James Version
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Floyd enjoys sorting buttons into groups based on size or colour. This morning he was grouping the buttons based on their colour when Keith politely asked him if he could have the buttons. Floyd was not quite ready to play with anyone else or had completed his activity and said no while he drops a large blue button on to the cluster of blue buttons on the carpet. He however did not stop there, he told Keith there were more buttons in the bin on the shelf that he could use.
Their teacher observed the interaction and thought that Floyd demonstrated an act of kindness to Keith when he offered him information how to get other buttons to play with. She also concluded that Floyd’s parents played a significant role in his ability to show kindness to others by modeling the behaviour to adults during arrival time.
God wants you to show your strength in being kind to the other children at school. He wants you be thoughtful, show patience and be respectful. When you do these things other children and adults will notice and wonder how they too can be caring.
You can ask your parents to volunteer at school and read short stories such as the story about the Samaritan who helped a man who was hurt. You can also donate mittens or hats to other children who are in need of those items during the winter months.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for salvation. Your Son Jesus died on the cross to save me. He was kind and loving. Please help me to be like Him and show my family, friends, strangers and neighbours kindness. I ask for your help Amen.