Senses for Jesus

 Acts 9: 36

King James Version

A woman who was a follower lived in the city of Joppa. Her name was Tabitha, or Dorcas. She did many good things and many acts of kindness.


Sierra and her dad were at the supermarket. They were in the aisle where the breads were stocked. There on the lowest shelf, she saw the bread her dad wanted to purchase. Sierra enjoyed the brand because it was covered with sesame seeds and oats. She picked up two loaves and smiled.

A man turned into the aisle as her dad pushed the shopping cart. His left arm was in a cast and he walked with a limp. Sierra turned around and observed him standing in front of the shelf looking up to the highest row. He shook his head and began to walk away. Sierra whispered to her dad that she thinks he needs help to get the bread he wanted. Her dad agreed and proceeded to call the man and offered help in getting the bread for him. The man smiled and thanked him.

Similarly to Dorcas in Acts 9:36, Sierra  used her eyes to observe that someone needed help. Both used one of the senses provided by God to help others.

You can use your eyes to observe a friend who is sad. Use this opportunity to offer comfort or get an adult to help. Use your other senses to get closer to God or help the needy. When you listen to God’s word you will learn more about Him or  use your sense of touch (hugs or a gentle touch on shoulder) at appropriate times you will make others feel good about themselves as well as be encouraged.

Prayer:  Dear God, thank you for my sense of sight, hearing, smelling, touch and tasting. Please help me to use these to show others that you care for them. In Jesus’ name I pray.