10:00 AM10:00

St. Patrick's Day scavenger hunt

Here's what you'll need:


  • St. Patrick's Day-themed items (such as green balloons, shamrock decorations, leprechaun hats, etc.)

  • Clues or riddles related to St. Patrick's Day

  • Give- a -ways (such as a small pot of gold chocolate coins, or St. Patrick's Day-themed treats)


  1. Hide the St. Patrick's Day-themed items around the house or outside, making sure to keep a list of where each item is hidden.

  2. Create clues or riddles related to St. Patrick's Day that will lead the children to each item.

  3. Give the children the first clue or riddle to start the scavenger hunt.

  4. Once the children find the first item, they will also find a clue or riddle that leads them to the next item.

  5. Continue the scavenger hunt until all the items have been found.

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10:00 AM10:00

Light Play

Explore the properties of light and color. Here's what you'll need:


  • Flashlights or LED lights

  • Translucent materials (such as tissue paper, wax paper, or colored cellophane)

  • Clear jars or containers

  • Optional: Cardboard tubes, mirrors, or other reflective surfaces


  1. Set up a darkened room or area for the light play activity.

  2. Give each child a flashlight, finger lights, or glow sticks.

  3. Provide translucent materials for them to use . They can also shine the light through tissue paper to create colourful glow.

  4. Encourage them to use different combinations of materials and colors to see what effects they can create.

  5. Have the children shine their lights into the clear jars or containers to see what happens. They can also use cardboard tubes, mirrors, or other reflective surfaces to manipulate the light and create interesting patterns.

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10:00 AM10:00

Sugar Bush

Visiting a farm is a popular and traditional activity during the spring months. Farms with an abundance of maple trees will have attractions such as tapping the trees to extract ingredients to make maple syrup; wagon rides; pancake meals; taffy and newborn animals.

Make sure your children are dressed appropriately for the snow or mud!

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10:00 AM10:00

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a great activity that can be done with your children either indoors or outdoors.

Here's what you'll need:


  • Scavenger hunt list (can be printed out or written on paper)

  • Pens or pencils

  • Optional: Bags or baskets for collecting items


  1. Create a scavenger hunt list that includes a variety of items for the kids to find. Some examples include a certain color object, a specific type of leaf, a toy car, or a book with a certain word in the title.

  2. Hand out the scavenger hunt lists and pens/pencils .

  3. Set a timer for a designated amount of time (such as 30 minutes) and have the kids start searching for the items on the list.

  4. Encourage them to work together and help each other find the items.

  5. Once the time is up, have them return to the starting point with their collected items.

  6. Review the items on the list and check off each item that was found.

  7. Celebrate the successful scavenger hunt with a fun snack or treat!

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10:00 AM10:00

DIY Art Project

This activity is perfect for kids of all ages and can be done indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather. Here's what you'll need:


  • Large sheets of paper (such as butcher paper or newsprint)

  • Paint (tempera or acrylic)

  • Paint brushes

  • Water cups

  • Smocks or old clothes to protect clothing

  • Optional: Stencils, stamps, stickers, or any other materials to decorate the artwork


  1. Lay out the large sheets of paper on a flat surface (such as a table or the floor).

  2. Give each child a paint brush and a cup of water in order to rinse brushes.

  3. Have the kids start painting their own unique artworks.

  4. Encourage them to use their imaginations and create whatever they like, whether it's abstract designs or recognizable shapes.

  5. Once the artwork is complete, let it dry and then put on display.

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